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 Technic / 9905
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Re: baby walker
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 14:42:56 GMT
7600 times
In lugnet.technic, Philippe Hurbain writes:

I'll be trying it out soon myself. I figured that if it lifted its foot off
the ground, it would more easily be considered a walker. I hope you have fun
watching it stomp around :).


P.S. Are you planning on taking any pics?

Here they are:

The 5 pieces version looks really disproportionate:
The 6 pieces is nicer and "walks" well: (350K)



The six piece design is nicer all around, but I guess if someone wants the
design with one less piece, the fiver is kind of neat in its own way. This
is actually less than an inch tall! I guess that probably classifies it as
the shortest walker (or at least stomper) made from Legos so far, so I think
the name Shorty fits :) Thanks for testing the designs for me, and also the
pictures are very nice :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: baby walker
(...) Here they are: The 5 pieces version looks really disproportionate: (URL) 6 pieces is nicer and "walks" well: (URL) (350K) Philo (22 years ago, 6-Apr-03, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)  

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