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Re: CAT 980G Series II Wheel Loader Questions
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 02:28:39 GMT
206 times
In, Josh Baakko writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:
In, Josh Baakko writes:
I'm in the process of building a CAT 980G Series II Wheel Loader, but I have
one problem I'm hoping someone can help me with.  I need to find a way to
build the operators cab.  I have some small specifications, the roof of the
cab has to be 5x6 in size (5 length wise, 6 width wise), & 6x6 at the base.

[Snipped *insanely long* URLs, thanks heaps, CAT!]

I thought the same thing.

I think you accidentally linked to the 980g twice, but I found the other pic
anyway 8?)

Have you tried using A 4x3 train window, with a 4x2 sloped car windscreen • above
it (maybe with a plate between)? It only gives you 4 wide, but you can use a
stud either side for cabin structure. Then more train windows for the sides.

No but it sounds good!  So far I have a 1x4x3 clear panel, with 2 1x2 clear
bricks, & 2 1x1 bricks with side studs in the middle of the 2 clear bricks
(which will have a 1x2 tile on it).  Its angled by a 1x4 plate with 5
fingers on top, & a 4x4 car roof plate (I'm making a little MLCAD model to
show this better as I type (sort of)).

Here is a simple view:

Cool! I was thinking clear panels, too, but my fingers said train window -
maybe 'cos they're used so extensively in the 4561.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: CAT 980G Series II Wheel Loader Questions
(...) I thought the same thing. (...) No but it sounds good! So far I have a 1x4x3 clear panel, with 2 1x2 clear bricks, & 2 1x1 bricks with side studs in the middle of the 2 clear bricks (which will have a 1x2 tile on it). Its angled by a 1x4 plate (...) (23 years ago, 30-Apr-02, to, lugnet.technic)

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