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 Technic / 6037
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Re: Help With Finding Part...
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 13:32:43 GMT
634 times
In lugnet.general, Kyle Beatty writes:
In lugnet.general, Tom Reed writes:
Hi All,
I hope I'm posting this in the right place.  I'm interested in the ball
parts that come with Hogwart's Express.  Those are the light gray round
pieces with the hole in one end.  I recently discovered the same piece only
in black in the technique set 8008 "Stormtrooper".  Did this part (in black)
come in any other sets?  I noticed that some of the bionicle figs have a
ball part on their chest.  Is this the same part?  I'm trying to find a
source of these without paying for the larger sets.  I would appreciate any

It's the same part. A search on 'ball and socket' will probably yield some
previous discussions. My opinion is that a whole new line of toys could be
based on this element (with axles, natch).

   I got two of the grey ones from BrickBay.  They're spiffy,
   and will make excellent tank ball turrets.

   But as for their availability:  They come in 8008, 8007, and
   two of the Bionicle Toa (Tahu, the one kicking the rock around,
   is the best; he's got two).



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Help With Finding Part...
(...) Thanks Lindsay and Kyle for the info! I picked up a Tahu set and confirmed it had two. Now I have a source for some of those parts. I appreciate the help! Tom (23 years ago, 3-Nov-01, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Help With Finding Part...
(...) It's the same part. A search on 'ball and socket' will probably yield some previous discussions. My opinion is that a whole new line of toys could be based on this element (with axles, natch). (23 years ago, 3-Nov-01, to lugnet.general)

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