"Henry OneTimeCRX" <hchea@kungstorget.nu> wrote in message
> Regarding the solar powered walker and the mars rover, both are cool
> looking robots! I find that solar panel particularly interesting.
> Perhaps put a solar panel on each side, with each panel connected to one
> side of the robot... So when there is less/no sunlight on one side, the
> robot walks the other direction?
> One question about the mars rover--in the pics with the wheels steered,
> are the two wheels on the right side of the pics supposed to be turned
> in towards each other?
Yes. That is just like the real one.
So it can turn within its own circle to improve manouverability
It turns by turning in the wheels, then running the left side forward, and
the right side in reverse, (or the opposite) then straighten up and proceed
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