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Re: 8880 Super Car information
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 23:44:06 GMT
809 times
In lugnet.technic, Eric Lanteigne writes:
In lugnet.technic, Gaurav Thakur writes:
I recently found out a bit more about this set and am thinking of trying to
get it. Just wanted some public opinion on it a good overall model?
What functions does it contain? And is it worth the $150-$200 USD that it
usually sells for on online auctions?


If you want a Supercar with a lot of functions, this is the one. 4-wheel
steering, 4-wheel drive, transmission (4 speed - no reverse), independent
suspension on all 4 wheel, toggle headlight, 8 pistons engine. The only problem
of this set is: heavy weight - you will have to do massive modifications to
power this set with one (or even more) lego motor. 150$-200$ is about the going
price; some lucky people sometimes find it cheaper. The 8448 is more stylish,
lighter, and has a better transmission but the 8880 is a classic.



That looks really neat; is the 4-wheel steering and 4-wheel drive done by
using two of those universal "swivel" axle joints per wheel and 3 differentials?

Yeah...I have the 8448 model and although it looks great, I wasn't too
impressed by its functionality. Although the transmission system is really
nice, front-wheel steering and rear-wheel drive is pretty standard stuff,
and the suspension is just too light IMHO.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 8880 Super Car information
(...) Does anyone know how I can fix this using only currently available sets? (24 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 8880 Super Car information
(...) If you want a Supercar with a lot of functions, this is the one. 4-wheel steering, 4-wheel drive, transmission (4 speed - no reverse), independent suspension on all 4 wheel, toggle headlight, 8 pistons engine. The only problem of this set is: (...) (24 years ago, 26-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)

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