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 Technic / 16694
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Re: Would the last person to leave, please turn out the lights?
lugnet.admin.curators,, lugnet.technic
Tue, 7 Jul 2009 19:01:02 GMT
10310 times
Jeff Findley wrote:
In lugnet.admin.curators, Adrian Egli wrote:

There are people out there (like me) who still post MOCs on LUGNET but the way
we share our photos has changed the last few years.

Since I (and many others) started using sites like Flickr to share photos,
viewers can post comments on the Flickr page rather than the old method where
we posted pics on BrickShelf and then post our comments here on LUGNET.

What killed off RTL nearly a decade ago was the diversity LUGNET brought to
the niches in the LEGO community but my theory of what will kill off LUGNET in
the future is its inability to "store-photos-and-share-comments" that Flickr
is providing now.

LUGNET still holds value to me (and no doubt many others) as a news source
about the LEGO community but, like newspapers, if there aren't any big
changes, it will go bye-bye.

I agree with this.  Lugnet was ground breaking, when it was first launched.  But
that was eons ago.  We're rapidly coming up on's 10th anniversary
(<>).  It's been a great 10 years for with well over 40k postings, but unfortunately, Lutnet itself is
still largely the same as it was 10 years ago.  It's a great place to host Lego
newsgroups, but that's so 1999...

This is why I started this thread in  The fact is that the vast
majority of the community has moved on to other websites.


Can I propose twittering with hashtags like #technic_moc or #space_moc
so we can find each others cool stuff now it is moving away from the
lugnet server?

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Would the last person to leave, please turn out the lights?
(...) I agree with this. Lugnet was ground breaking, when it was first launched. But that was eons ago. We're rapidly coming up on's 10th anniversary ((URL)). It's been a great 10 years for with well over 40k postings, but (...) (15 years ago, 7-Jul-09, to lugnet.admin.curators,, lugnet.technic, FTX)

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