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 Technic / 13140
13139  |  13141
Re: 8435, 8436
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 01:19:47 GMT
3200 times
Yup, the 8435 tires are just slightly larger in diameter - due to the tread.
They are also wider.


"Nathan Bell" <> wrote in message
Does any one know if the tires for the truck (8436) and the 4WD (8435) are
same diameter?  I would guess that the 8435 tires are bigger, but I'm not

Message has 1 Reply:
  Tire sizes
(...) I second this. (...) While on the subject of tire sizes, I just came across (URL) this> which talks about the 8448. It shows a couple near-final prototypes in which there are 8880 tires (2997) fitted on 8462 rims (32077) and they seems to fit (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  8435, 8436
Does any one know if the tires for the truck (8436) and the 4WD (8435) are the same diameter? I would guess that the 8435 tires are bigger, but I'm not sure. (20 years ago, 7-Oct-04, to lugnet.technic)

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