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Re: SSClagorpion
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 17:02:06 GMT
9180 times
In lugnet.technic, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
In lugnet.technic, Kevin L. Clague wrote:

I've got a leg/hip mechanism with three points of articulation. Here is a
picture of the expected sequences.


Like Mark said, there's going to be quite a bit of weight on the main cylinder.
That's where you're planning on having several cylinders to hold the weight,

If we use 3 large cylinders each with an area of 0.2 square inches per leg, and
the expected force is 5 pounds per leg, then we get a required pressure of 8.3
pounds per square inch.

If we use two large cylinders, we'll need 12.5 pounds per square inch.

I think that three is better.

The leverage issue also indicates that we'd better not make the legs any longer,
because it just makes things worse as far as the number of pistons and the

I guess if we wanted to make the legs longer, we can change the distance between
the piston(s) and the folcrum.  I'll do some prototyping there.

The leg design then is the first constraint with respect to the overall size (or
scale) of SSClagorpion.

So, you're looking at about 5 per leg, 8 legs, or 40 cylinders?  (plus other
logic stuff?)

40 weight bearing cylinders, plus two more large (four small cylinders) that are
provided for timing only.

And for switches, you have 6 per leg, or 48.  Plus around 32 for
logic/direction? (at least 80 total)  I think I skipped the forward/backward
switches.  So the total is around 100?  That's for forward/back + walk/turn +
walk/step-sideways.  Oh, and one for stop/go.

Plus two for the timing only pistons.

Does that fit with what Eric is wanting (able) to do?

Yes, this part count would even tax my pneumatic inventory.  Currently I have
most of my pneumatics allocated to MOCs:  two bipeds (12 pistons, 8 switches),
inchworm (7 pistons, 14 swtiches), hex242 (14 pistons, 26 switches), and PhD (24
pistons, 76 switches).

I have plenty of older style switches, 30 new switches, 10-12 small pistons, and
about 25 spare large pistons, that are currently unused.  I love the 8455 and
bricklink!  Plus I'm remaining employed, so I can afford more!

I'd guess that pneumatics is the one place where I've got Eric beat in
inventory, right Eric?

Eric, should I be using old switches or new switches?  I'd bet I don't have
enough old switches to make the complete circuit.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: SSClagorpion
(...) I didn't see any comment from Eric about the proposed parts list. It's around 50 pistons, and 100 switches. Is that OK? And, do we know how big this thing is, yet? Also, I'm going to have to do the Spybot/family thing. We can try to get (...) (21 years ago, 29-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: SSClagorpion
(...) Like Mark said, there's going to be quite a bit of weight on the main cylinder. That's where you're planning on having several cylinders to hold the weight, right? So, you're looking at about 5 per leg, 8 legs, or 40 cylinders? (plus other (...) (21 years ago, 26-Apr-04, to lugnet.technic)

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