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 Storage / 1570 (-20)
  Re: LEGO brickpedia options
(...) That's one of the most beautifully organized LEGO collections I've ever seen! And those drawer labels... wow. Much nicer than what I was thinking. AB (19 years ago, 11-Dec-05, to
  Re: LEGO brickpedia options
(...) It's been done. . . (URL) to personalize it for our own use we'd have to be able to edit CorelDraw files, and maybe use LDraw tools. Come to think of it, I thought that Bob Kojima's PartsCatalog (URL) make labels, but I can't figure out how to (...) (19 years ago, 11-Dec-05, to lugnet.general,
  Re: The importance of studs in holding storage shelves
(...) I volunteer to help you clean up. Fortunately I have a pickup and a bunch of Hefty bags... :) Same thing happened to me on a smaller scale a few months ago. That totally bites, especially after all the sorting you've been doing. Kelly (19 years ago, 17-Nov-05, to, FTX)
  The importance of studs in holding storage shelves
And I don't mean Lego studs - I mean wood studs... (2 URLs) My wife kindly took these pictures of me in my Lego room, after she removed what little Lego remained on the shelves, while I still held the remnants of the shelves. This wall was mostly (...) (19 years ago, 17-Nov-05, to lugnet.general,, FTX)  
  Searching For 2x4s
I don't have the extensive and organized storage methods that some here make use of - just LEGO boxes from parted out sets, buckets and tubs, using the holey plastic bags. As time goes by (and I move a few times) the old mental inventory gets a bit (...) (19 years ago, 15-Nov-05, to,
  Re: Does IRIS have a website and have their molds changed recently?
The biggest problem here is, we are Lego builders. We know uniformity, modularity, flexibility and good moulding when we see it - it is exactly what we expect from Lego. And no storage system comes close to Lego in those terms, although Lego dont (...) (19 years ago, 2-Nov-05, to
  Re: "Reusable" Containers for Storage
(...) Definitely sounds like the right method for you. If it fits in a non-walkin closet, your collection is probably under 100,000 pieces. At that size, your method has low cost, can be stored in a decent space (with good neatness) and sorting and (...) (19 years ago, 19-Oct-05, to
  Re: "Reusable" Containers for Storage
(...) My primary factor, at the moment, is cost. I have a large enough collection that better storage is necessary (how large, exactly, I'm not sure - it's big enough to fill a good-sized, non-walk-in closet), but I don't have the money to go to (...) (19 years ago, 18-Oct-05, to
  Re: "Reusable" Containers for Storage
(...) I definitely agree with the point about inefficient containers (though I use some re-usable containers to on my work table to hold a working set of parts). But key is that's space efficiency. My system is less time efficient. You need to find (...) (19 years ago, 18-Oct-05, to
  Re: "Reusable" Containers for Storage
(...) I found that glad-ware style containers weren't very space efficient and don't stck well. For smaller parts, fishing tackle boxes by Plano or Flambeau. Bigger parts in small stacking drawers. Abundant parts in bags in drawers or tubs like you (...) (19 years ago, 18-Oct-05, to, FTX)
  Re: "Reusable" Containers for Storage
(...) Allan Bedford mentions using Gladware-type containers for storage in his book, (URL) Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide>. It's a great idea; I just wish I had heard about it before I invested in so many IKEA boxes. Marc Nelson Jr. (URL) Marc's (...) (19 years ago, 17-Oct-05, to, FTX)
  "Reusable" Containers for Storage
Having come out of a semi-dark age, I've taken to sorting my collection and have been casting about for a better way to store things. I had been using assorted LEGO tubs for the more numerous pieces (1x4, 2x4, etc), but the less plentiful pieces (...) (19 years ago, 17-Oct-05, to
  Re: Does IRIS have a website and have their molds changed recently?
(...) I know that Iris had a (mostly useless) English-language Website in January. I don't know what happened to it. But I recall that it said that Iris prides itself on coming up with [a large number] new molds every year (month?). They seem to be (...) (19 years ago, 17-Oct-05, to
  Re: Does IRIS have a website and have their molds changed recently?
I use these for storage. (URL) (19 years ago, 16-Oct-05, to
  Re: Does IRIS have a website and have their molds changed recently?
(...) I've tried searching for the IRIS website recently and found zip. One thing I have found is the ones sold at Staples ( and go to products/ storage & organizers/ plastic drawer storage) work with some I bought a few years ago (...) (19 years ago, 15-Oct-05, to
  Does IRIS have a website and have their molds changed recently?
Hey all, When my first (and hopefully only!) Dark Age ended, I invested in quite a few IRIS storage units (like the ones seen here: (URL) to begin properly sorting my collection. As it grew I found the need to purchase additional units and (...) (19 years ago, 15-Oct-05, to
  Re: Moonbase Module - Mech Bay 07
(...) Hehe - I have taken weeks to sort out bucketloads after having big challenge events. I am actually brave enough to let other people, specifcally kids, at the Lego. Not only do you have to reclaim it from the actual creations, but you also have (...) (19 years ago, 22-Sep-05, to,
  Re: Moonbase Module - Mech Bay 07
(...) Allister, I think you spend too much time at JLUG. LEGNET does not require (or even like) url= in front of your FTX links. Get it right next time. :smack: ROSCO (19 years ago, 21-Sep-05, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Dreams: Ultimate LEGO Room
Sorry to respond to my own post, but some ideas are flowing over at LEGOfan: (URL) by, check it out, and add your thoughts!! Peace and Long Life, Tony Alexander (20 years ago, 9-Sep-05, to,
  LEGO Dreams: Ultimate LEGO Room
Hey, Everybody! I've been thinking about this idea for some time, so it was interesting to see the subject of the ultimate LEGO room mentioned in this post: (URL) I replied by posting the text of my own idea file here: (URL) start the ball rolling - (...) (20 years ago, 8-Sep-05, to,

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