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LEGO Table discussion
Sat, 21 Jun 2003 23:27:43 GMT
1832 times
Here I sit on the floor in my (hopefully soon to be furnished) new place in Seattle. I have a nice long wall that I’d like to use for my LEGO and computer area.

I used to use one of those white molded plastic folding tables that you can get at Sam’s club (and a bunch of other places).

This time around I was thinking of moving half a rung up the ladder and getting a slightly more stylish JERKER (I swear that’s the name) desk from IKEA. There is a nice long (63”) Jerker that’s $70. Two of those end to end would probably be really nice for all my LEGO (and computer) needs) and they’re only about $20 more than the plastic folding table.

Any of you have one of these? Like it? Hate it? Even though the plastic table I had was perfect and sturdy I’d rather not go that route again. Lookin for something a little more woodish and steelish.

Only downside I can see from the Jerker is that it’s a little over 5’ long rather than the 6’ of the plastic table. Both tables are about the same depth and height. Also I can get some drawers and stuff to attach to the IKEA desks.

What do you think? Ideas? What do you use?

Old table (made by Lifetime I think):


j o n

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: LEGO Table discussion
(...) Jon-- Good to hear you're getting settled in. I'm very, very envious. I've been thinking about this same question, in anticipation of getting my own "workshop" back together about 12 months from now. Yes, I'm ahead of the game, for once, but (...) (21 years ago, 21-Jun-03, to,
  Re: LEGO Table discussion
(...) Jon, I would go with the Jerker tables. For $40 more you have more refined yet homely units, if that makes sense, and just as sturdy (I assume). Everything my family has bought from IKEA has been durable and well-designed. I'd be sure that the (...) (22 years ago, 21-Jun-03, to,, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Table discussion
(...) Jon-- Good to hear you're getting settled in. I'm very, very envious. I've been thinking about this same question, in anticipation of getting my own "workshop" back together about 12 months from now. Yes, I'm ahead of the game, for once, but (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jun-03, to,
  Re: LEGO Table discussion
(...) In Swedish Jerk, Jerka, Jerker etc. are just variations of the name Erik/Eric. I think IKEA uses the same (Swedish) names for their products all over the world. Most of the IKEA names are names of villages, cities and people. -- Anders (...) (22 years ago, 30-Jun-03, to,
  Re: LEGO Table discussion
Hi Jon! I got my tables at IKEA about a year ago, but I decided on using the "AMON" table surface and "CURRY" table legs. AMON is, at least here in Sweden, availible in both 120 x 80 and 150 x 80 cm with a few selections on color. One being white. (...) (21 years ago, 5-Feb-04, to,

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