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 Storage / *560 (-5)
  Re: My beautiful methods of storage
I love that drawstring bag. I still use mine. It is mostly for all the unsorted, special parts from my childhood collection.... "Erik Olson" <> wrote in message (...) was when (...) Lego (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to
  Re: need help with storage ideas for tons of LEGO
That picture comes back as a broken link. Page cannot be found, says MSIE5 - what happened? Cheers ... Geoffrey Hyde Ben Erwin <> wrote in message (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to
  Re: "Fixing" movable dividers in Plano boxes
Is that Goop anything like that Walther's Goo the Americal Model Railroad hobbyists use to stick practically anything to anything else with the exception of styrene foam, because that gets melted by Goo? I've got some magazines and they seem to (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to
  Re: My beautiful methods of storage
yippee, it's the 2000 Storage Census! I became a storage junkie after the Big Part Growth of 1998. I tried it all... Plano tackle boxes, nuts-n-bolts hardware drawers, snack bags, Silver Tubs, shoe tubs, even test tubes (as far as I know nobody else (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to
  Re: My beautiful methods of storage
Shiri Dori wrote in message ... (...) Well, you've had lots of good responses, and I've talked about how I store my LEGO before, but like Larry, I like to hear myself talk so... People have suggested the Plano boxes. These are nice, but go to (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to

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