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  Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickCon 2009
After the success of the first Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickFest 2009 we've decided to do it again at BrickCon. When LUGs have a meeting at a member's house, the one thing that everyone always wants to see is the owner's build area. A Lego Room, a (...) (16 years ago, 21-Sep-09, to, lugnet.announce,, ! 
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Pretty much the same here. I kept a couple of sets that I really liked almost separate (apart from borrowing parts). Some I keep together to challenge myself to see what I can do with them. I really don't do MISB. I have bought classic sets (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) In the beginning I would build the set, display it for a while, and then sort it into the appropriate parts bin. Now, I build, display, disassemble, and store it in a ziploc with the instructions. [Prepare to Gasp] I loan out my sets to (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Generally, Stacy and I do a little of both. A lot of times I will buy sets with the intent to build them...but just never get the time. They may sit in our 'LEGO Lair' for a number of months unopened before I finally decide to get around to (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) I only bought sets to fill up the collection anyway. :D (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) I do some of each. Most sets are sorted directly into the main collection, but some sets are kept separate, as collected items. However, I don't do "MISB" -- if I get a set, I build it. If I like a set enough to want to collect it, I certainly (...) (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) One for all and all for one - nicely sorted into my LEGO parts collection. Jetro (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Sort the pieces into the collection. Play well, Jacob (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  What to do with sets
How do people store sets they purchase? 1. Leave them separate from the main collection. -or- 2. Add them to the collection of LEGO? I see benefits to both but was wondering what others do. Thanks. (16 years ago, 20-Jul-09, to
  My Current Lego Room
I took some pictures of my Lego Room for the Virtual Lego Room Tour at Brickfest. (URL) an expansion and rethinking of my older Lego spaces, as described in (URL) walk around the room. . . ClosetMaid makes a system they call Cubicals with shelves (...) (16 years ago, 4-May-09, to
  Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickFest 2009
BrickFest 2009 will see the first Virtual Lego Room Tour. When LUGs have a meeting at a member's house, the one thing that everyone always wants to see is the owner's build area. A Lego Room, a Lego Garage, a Lego corner-of-one-table-...-rec-room. . (...) (16 years ago, 13-Mar-09, to, lugnet.announce,, ! 
  Zipper Storage Bags - Which brands to use, which to avoid?
I have been using zipper storage bags (hereafter ZSB), mostly Ziploc brand, though I also use a few store brand and Uline ZSBs. I haven't had any problems other than the occasional busted bag due to overstuffing, failed zippers, and rips/tears. I've (...) (16 years ago, 1-Mar-09, to
  Buckets and labels
Hi all, I'm sure like many of you, I have stacks and stacks of the LEGO buckets in various sizes and colors from different eras. Some of them are fairly usable for long-term storage (like the flat, Rubbermaid-like bins) but most of them are not very (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to
  Re: Packing MOCs for Shipment - Suggestions?
(...) I've found that wrapping MOC's in Saran wrap first helps keep all your MOC's together. I learned the hard way that saving a dollar and getting the no-brand stuff--makes you wish you had spent that dollar. A more effort was spent using the (...) (16 years ago, 13-Oct-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Packing MOCs for Shipment - Suggestions?
I found this thread by via the (URL) on The Brothers Brick> and wanted to add my experiences to the discussion. I live near San Francisco CA, and went to BrickFair in Washington DC and BrickCon in Seattle WA this year. For both trips I took only a (...) (16 years ago, 13-Oct-08, to, FTX)
  Use protection? (UV that is)
So in my lego room I have a big window (hey I'm not a vampire!). I wanted to see what people know about (and use) UV protection that can be applied to a window -- in a film like way. Something like tinting windows of a car but for the house. Anyone (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-08, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Renos in my new place and my new Lego room
(...) Nice work on your LEGO® den. I especially like the pegboard walls! Walls like that open up so many cool storage and display possibilities. I also like that you have your computer set up down there as well. Must be very handy if you build in (...) (17 years ago, 25-Jul-08, to, FTX)
  Renos in my new place and my new Lego room
Last week I removed a wall in the basement of our new house to open up the 70's style Family room to the Lego room Shots of the lego room (URL) Shots of the reno if any one is intrested. (URL) Jeff VW (17 years ago, 25-Jul-08, to
  Re: Dave & Stacy's LEGO Lair
(...) That's awesome. My building area is the kitchen table! Jim (17 years ago, 10-Jul-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Dave & Stacy's LEGO Lair
Wow, I'm truely jealous, my building space is half a small bedroom, and I was content with that until I saw what you have here. Looks like you really put alot of thought into it. Karl (17 years ago, 10-Jul-08, to, FTX)

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