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  Re: Bucket surgery
Yes, which was why I had asked on RTL about removing the bars...... I wanted to buy a few silver buckets on a visit to the US, and keep the buckets, rather than throwing them out, thinking that they are great storage containers! I managed to squeeze (...) (26 years ago, 5-Nov-98, to
  Re: Bucket surgery
(...) Very thin blade with small teeth. Large undulation in the teeth, and in the blade itself so that the teeth stay clean (and the blade doesn't jam in the cut, as the cut is significantly wider than the blade). Blade is mounted from the top in a (...) (26 years ago, 6-Nov-98, to
  Re: Clear plastic "tackle boxes"
(...) Todd coined this, I think. Adult Fan Of Lego... broader than "collector" as I am not a collector, I am a builder/operator. (1) 1 - despite being LC and 9V complete I still see building as the focus of my hobby.. (26 years ago, 5-Nov-98, to
  Re: Clear plastic "tackle boxes"
Selçuk wrote in message ... (...) Yes, "is" is correct, because it is a single category. And I never knew there was a Jesse wannabe out there... Jesse ___...___ Jesse The Jolly Jingoist Looking for answers? Read the FAQ! (URL) in Deja (...) (26 years ago, 5-Nov-98, to
  Re: Clear plastic "tackle boxes"
(...) "is" a good idea. Selçuk (Jesse II, Jr.).:-D (26 years ago, 5-Nov-98, to

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