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 Star Wars / 7975
7974  |  7976
Re: Han Solo in carbonite
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 22:32:26 GMT
661 times
In lugnet.starwars, Frank Buiting writes:

I have made my own Han in carbonite to go with the Slave I set.
A little warning on forehand, it involved cutting and painting LEGO. I'm
reasonably 'pure' with LEGO, though for this one I made an exception.

Anyway you'll find it here:


-Tom McD.
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Han Solo in carbonite
(...) -Dave (25 years ago, 19-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Han Solo in carbonite
Hi, I have made my own Han in carbonite to go with the Slave I set. A little warning on forehand, it involved cutting and painting LEGO. I'm reasonably 'pure' with LEGO, though for this one I made an exception. Anyway you'll find it here: (URL) (...) (25 years ago, 18-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars) ! 

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