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Re: Han Solo in carbonite
Sun, 18 Jun 2000 19:30:50 GMT
1472 times
In lugnet.starwars, James Powell writes:

Well done!
Why couldn't LEGO have done something similar?  I like how you kept it two
studs wide.

I'll second this...when I saw the printed Han, I thought how lame it was, even
a coffin lid would have been better.  This is a great example of a piece that
Lego should have made.


Adding my 2c
When I found out it was not like the Sarco-Fig from
Adventures...I only bought one. I might have bought
5 or more if it was better. My guess is they had a
design a with rased Han,but would have made the Slave
too big. Oh, well, they still got me for one.

Nice work, even if a Mini-Fig was mangled to get it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Han Solo in carbonite
(...) I'll second this...when I saw the printed Han, I thought how lame it was, even a coffin lid would have been better. This is a great example of a piece that Lego should have made. James (25 years ago, 18-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars,

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