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Re: Retail price on SW Legos???
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 22:11:45 GMT
708 times
Steve Bliss wrote in message <>...
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999 18:19:10 GMT, "Frank Joergensen"
<> wrote:

Greetings from Frank in Denmark!

I was wondering if someone could tell me how much the retail price is on • the
varoius Star Wars Lego sets. As said I'm living in Denmark and here the • sets
will not be available until July - Arghhh I can't live with that. So I • reckon
it would be faster and cheaper for me buying them in the States :) Well if • the
sets aren't sold out due to you guys! I don't blame you - It must be great
living in the USA.

Please help me out! Thanx

Let's see if I can remember what I paid:

X-Wing             $30.00
TIE-Fighter/Y-Wing $40.00
Snow Speeder       $10.00
Speeder Bikes       $8.00
Land-Speeder        $6.00

Boy is my NLSO going to be po'ed if I find all these at one location 8^0

-John Van

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Retail price on SW Legos???
(...) Let's see if I can remember what I paid: X-Wing $30.00 TIE-Fighter/Y-Wing $40.00 Snow Speeder $10.00 Speeder Bikes $8.00 Land-Speeder $6.00 I think the accuracy of my remembering is directly proportional to the prices of the sets. I'm 99% sure (...) (26 years ago, 8-Mar-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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