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Idea for LARGE Star Wars sets
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 13:31:07 GMT
467 times
I know that the Milennium Falcon is due out in July but, this is an idea so
we can have an offical set that is to "scale" and is more appealing to both
the Star Wars and the LEGO collecter!

This idea is not only limited to the MF, but, can be used for the AT-AT, and
a MTT, that's larger and carries more Battle Droids then the one due out in
July. As well as possibly a Hoth base or Death Star hanger. Please fell free
to comment on any part of this as you see fit!

1) TLG Makes the set! We will use the MF for example! A MF that's to scale
with a ton of pieces, 5000 or so!
2) TLG puts up pictures, number of pieces and features of the set on the
internet and in sets avalible in 2001!
3) TLG then takes pre-orders only on the sets! They only produce the numbers
of sets ordred, plus maybe a few extra hundred, as they see fit!

This way they know exactly how many to produce with out sticking money on
the shelves waiting for it to sell! Let's face it, with a price tag of at
least $500 this will only be a S@H exclusive!

Any feedback is welcome!

I know this idea will undoubtably be shot out of the water but it's worth a try!

What do you think!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Idea for LARGE Star Wars sets
(...) try! (...) How about just put the instrunctions in an idea book using pieces from the other star wars sets. Jimmy (25 years ago, 12-Jan-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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