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Re: Finally got to see the movie!
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:40:07 GMT
1027 times
On 6/1/99, at 7:30 AM, Scott Edward Sanburn wrote:


Overall, I thought it was a great movie, the special effects were stunning, and
the pod race was awesome! My only real complaint was the "evil" Trade
Federation. Do all bad guys go to the Bad Guy school of Idiocy? Ugh, can you
imagine having one source for all droid communication? Where's the backup?

I like the battle droids but they were way too reckless. I mean it was like,
"Oh, look! A Jedi!
I wonder what he's going to do with that lightsaber!? Oh, I just found out."
They were quick
to turn(in most cases) but slow to raise their blaster. Figure that out.

The only other suggestion was Darth Maul, for being as publicized as he was, he
sure didn't have much of a part. I think the pilots of the Queens ship (Looked
like a chrome SR-71 Blackbird, BTW, for all you military jet buffs out there)
had a bigger part.

I knew it reminded me of some real plane. I think I'll check a picture to see
how close it
really is to a blackbird.

It was a great movie, now I am looking forward to changing about half the Lego
sets to match the actual one in the movie!

Scott Sanburn

Message has 2 Replies:
  RE: Finally got to see the movie!
Hi, It is very similar to the blackbird, without the canted vertical stabilizers over the engines. The queen's cockpit is much further back as well. Her ship appears to be at least 2-4x the size of an SR71, which is really quite small. See my (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Finally got to see the movie!
(...) To me, and perhaps to others who grew up with Transformers, it looked like Cyclonus, the lieutenant of Unicron, in jet mode. The windows, especially. LFB. (26 years ago, 2-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Finally got to see the movie!
To all, Well, I finally saw the movie! I wanted to wait until the crowds would not be so bad, and I was not disappointed! My place of work has summer hours, which translates into having half of Friday off, so I went to the Showcase theater nearby. (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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