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Re: "Featured Creations" items of interest on
lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 04:06:07 GMT
82 times
In lugnet.general, Kerry Raymond writes:
Speaking on which, can anyone who has submitted a creation tell me if the
parent's email address is really a mandatory field, or whether it's linked
to the year of birth?

If you fill out the form by entering your date of birth, leaving the parents
email blank, and entering nonsense into the other fields, only the picture
field coems up as an error. If you do the same but put 2002 as your year of
birth, both picture and parents email come up as errors, so if you're over
18 its not a mandatory field. I don't know if the cut off is 18 or 13 or what.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Featured Creations" items of interest on
Speaking on which, can anyone who has submitted a creation tell me if the parent's email address is really a mandatory field, or whether it's linked to the year of birth? It's been a long time since anyone asked me for my Mum and Dad's permission (...) (22 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars)

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