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Re: 10026...Price versus Parts
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 16:33:11 GMT
532 times
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 16:01:23 GMT "Greg Muri" <> writes:
I have to agree with you here Tim.  Since the parts used in the stand
also used in lots of other sets, that certainly wouldn't justify
the price.  Also, the rare chrome parts doesn't add that much value
to the
set unless you are specifically looking for those parts.  I think
the number
of people that will buy the set specifically for the chrome is
rather low
compared to the overall sales.  I for one want it for some of the
parts and will likely end up selling off the chrome parts.

Hey, yeah, there are some other parts in there that are usefull to aren't
there? I haven't seen much potential for anything but the chrom...I'm a
mecha guy and thus don't yet have any real use for the curvy parts (maybe
when someone else does something with them I'll realize their potential,
but not now...) I mainly want the chrome, even though there is very
little of it. I might wait though, and see if lego comes out with sets
that have chrome in a larger quantity. Oh, BTW, did this reply start a
new thread again, I've been having some trouble with gettin my messages
to reply in the same thread...Thanx! :^)
May the Brick be with you
               * Tim *

"Tim Rice" <> wrote in message
IMO, no.  Most of the increase in parts goes to the display stand • anyway,
right? and can it really cost $20 more to manufacture probably • less than
(help me out here) 2 dozen chrome parts? No lego is simply asking • more
cause they know psychopaths like me will pay more for chrome parts • they
can't get anywhere else. The old rule of selling stuff: its only • worth as
much as you can get someone to pay for it, and in this canse, Lego • can
get some people to pay alot for it.
May the Brick be with you
              * Tim *
On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 14:24:32 GMT "Greg Muri" <> • writes:
I am curious what the general opinion is about the significant • price
increase of this set.  It seems to me that the increase is • rather
compared to the part count of the set.  Are the chrome parts • enough
justify the price of the set?

Thanks for you opinion,

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May the Brick be with you
               * Tim *

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 10026...Price versus Parts
While I don't particularily like the price increase, I think it is smart on Lego's part. The number of *drooling* posts is staggering. Surely Lego anticipated that? That being said, knowing that many many collectors will purchase the set, almost (...) (23 years ago, 20-Jun-02, to lugnet.starwars)

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