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My first MOCs on Brickshelf
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:06:07 GMT
603 times
I finally bought a digital camera, and uploaded some stuff to brickshelf:

The first five shots are my rendition of a microfig-scale Corellian Corvette.
I've kept this model assembled for over two years, waiting to post it
(finally - I can put those grey barrels to better use!).  The colour-free
scheme is due to the b&w blueprints I got off the net and used as a reference.

The remaining shots are of an alternate I made from a 7150 (which was my first
LEGO set after returning from my 15+ year dark ages).  I wondered to myself,
"Why are engines almost always mounted side-by-side?"  So, I took a shot at
this over-under arrangement.  I imagine it is a failed fighter that preceeded
the Y-wing and was made by the same manufacturer.  The few produced found a
niche as recon craft.  It has a feeble hyperdrive, but it's massive ion
engines make it hard to catch at sub-light speeds.  It has various antennae
and sensors mounted on the sides of the cockpit, used to intercept a variety
of forms of interstellar communication.  For defense, there are three light
laser cannons mounted on the nose.

Thanks for looking!
Jeff J

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: My first MOCs on Brickshelf
Wow, Jeff! Love the alternate Y-wing design. The detail on the microfig ship is impressive, too. I don't like microfig scale, but I completely dig that one. Keep up the great work and display them proudly! Alexander (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to lugnet.starwars,
  Re: My first MOCs on Brickshelf
(...) Interesting arrangement on your YWing variant. I would imagine the engines are most often placed side by side so it's easier to land without having to hinge the entire craft. :^) Thanks for posting your new pics! (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to lugnet.starwars,
  Re: My first MOCs on Brickshelf
(...) Hey, nice RBR, I like highly detailed microfig MOCs. Wasn't quite as impressed with the Y-wing variant though, but that's just me. Keep 'em comming! (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to lugnet.starwars,
  Re: My first MOCs on Brickshelf
(...) The folder is not found, did you delete it? Jude (23 years ago, 26-Mar-02, to lugnet.starwars,

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