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Re: New Dark Red Translucent?
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 01:05:55 GMT
559 times
In lugnet.starwars, Richard Marchetti writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Bob Hayes writes:
I noticed that the new dark red pieces looked a little different then the
other pieces - and not just that they where dark red.  I held one up to a
light and I could see the light through it.  They are translucent!

I can confirm that the new Cam dark red hair element is likewise
translucent, I was going to post about it but I probably forgot to do so.
Not sure what I think about it, but I am not bothered by it as it stands.
It is interesting in that it is neither truly translucent nor truly opaque,
but somewhere in between.  Time will tell if this semi-translucence will
prove advantageous in the use of these dark red elements.

Um... I think you need a minor vocabulary lesson. :-)

Trasparent:  You can see through it and light passes through it.
     Opaque:  You can not see through it nor does light pass through it..
Translucent:  You can not see through it but light passes through it.


-Mike Petrucelli

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Dark Red Translucent?
(...) I can confirm that the new Cam dark red hair element is likewise translucent, I was going to post about it but I probably forgot to do so. Not sure what I think about it, but I am not bothered by it as it stands. It is interesting in that it (...) (23 years ago, 30-Dec-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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