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Minifig X-Wing on Brickshelf
Wed, 3 Jan 2001 02:41:55 GMT
495 times
When I saw the thumbnail in the recent gallery on Brickshelf, I almost skipped
it because it looked like a picture of the UCS X-Wing.  However, it turned out
to be a very nice minifig scale version--with landing gear:
Nice job, Mark!  (Does Mark Chan post to LUGNET?  A quick search yields no
messages from him, but his name does appear)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Minifig X-Wing on Brickshelf
(...) Bram, I've admired a lot of your models (as well as many other people's models on Brickshelf), so I consider any comments from the "LUGNET regulars" high praise. Thanks! I literally got my posting permission 90 minutes ago, but I've been an (...) (24 years ago, 3-Jan-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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