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New Space movie ... Dancing on The Moon
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 19:08:58 GMT
55 times
Hello space fans and film fans,

I'd liek to introduce my new movie, "Dancing on the Moon".  It can be found
on Brickfilms, here:  Just go there
and scroll down the directory.  It's right under "The Chase" and right above
"2001: A LEGO Odyssey".


* Classic space minifigs in a kickline!
* Classic 80s music!
* A Tyco minifig getting the crap beat out of him!
* A love story!
* Blacktron minifigs dancing!

Hope you enjoy. . .


Note: For bandwidth reasons, I din't link to the movie directly from here
becasue it's 4:22 long and 7 MB.  But go and watch it anyway, that's the
"bandwidth challenged" version.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: New Space movie ... Dancing on The Moon
That URL was giving me some problems, but this one worked: (URL) the movie, I clicked on the link and opened it and got an error message from windows media player "Unable to downoad an appropriate decompressor" (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New Space movie ... Dancing on The Moon
(...) I looked at this movie a couple of nights ago on brickshelf. VERY GOOD! I love how the lego minifigs take a baseball bat and beat the crap out of the non-lego minifig, then kick the fallen figure over the top of the stairs. :^D I also noticed (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New Space movie ... Dancing on The Moon
(...) make of it. Is this Windoze Media or something? ~1st Lieutenant, Fleebnork Division Muffin Head (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to lugnet.animation,

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