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Re: Et in Arcadia Lego Non-Violent Minifig Space MOC Contest
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 18:00:02 GMT
1094 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
Paul Hartzog at wrote:

(Judges so far are Paul Hartzog(me) and Mark Sandlin)

And the grand prize goes to.... Me!

Just kidding. ;^)

Just wanted to let everyone know that, since I agreed to help Paul with the
judging, I will not be entering anything in the contest. You know, so it's
all fair and everything. :^)

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head

How gracious of the Grand Admiral. :*)  Man, just when we get SEALUG to orient
away from space, someone comes up with a contest.

Seriously, though, I like the premise as well as the scoring categories.  To
take an example that won't be entered, Muffin Head's Bricricu (sp?) has these
conduit like thingies inside and he actually knows where they come from, where
they're going, and what they're doing.  Of course, I don't think Asimov could
come up with a reason for every little thing on the outside of the ship. :*P

I do have one question, Paul, are you looking for futuristic space only?  By
this, I'm wondering if something like Wayne Hussey's giant rocket from pulp
space (Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon) would be acceptable, as long as it's meant
for use in space.

I'm not a space-head, I just play one on TV

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Et in Arcadia Lego Non-Violent Minifig Space MOC Contest
(...) And the grand prize goes to.... Me! Just kidding. ;^) Just wanted to let everyone know that, since I agreed to help Paul with the judging, I will not be entering anything in the contest. You know, so it's all fair and everything. :^) ~Grand (...) (24 years ago, 8-Mar-01, to

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