Re: MOC Microfig Space Carrier
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 07:50:00 GMT
534 times
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Thanks Dave,
Some of my smaller ships can be sleek or streamlined, but usually when I
make capital ships, I like to make them rather cluttered, since they aren't
necessarily made to look nice. The only instance I can think of where a
capital-scale vessel would be sleek or pretty would be perhaps a spaceliner,
which Karim Nassar has already done quite well. I suppose I could take a
crack at it, while I'm in the mood for making microfig. :^)
~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin
Mark's Lego(R) Creations
> From: "David Simmons" <>
> Marvelous design, very evocative of the Sulaco from "Aliens" in that it
> looks built for practical use, not aesthetics. Very nice. Love the
> mini-ships. I really like the patchwork appearance, like it's been modified
> constantly.
> Dave
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: MOC Microfig Space Carrier
| Marvelous design, very evocative of the Sulaco from "Aliens" in that it looks built for practical use, not aesthetics. Very nice. Love the mini-ships. I really like the patchwork appearance, like it's been modified constantly. Dave Mark Sandlin (...) (24 years ago, 11-Nov-00, to,
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