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 Space / 41079
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Re: MOC: Space Police I - Total Security Platform
Sun, 27 May 2007 08:22:39 GMT
7922 times
In, Eric Sophie wrote:
Whoa!!! Now that is some serious Space Police Lock Up! Big, lot's of details,
novel design and fuctionality! Not sure what else to say, but I need to go make
some more coffee. I want to see more pictures! Gonna go look again...

- Eric Sophie

Thanks, Eric!

I played around with the idea of replicating the Space Lock-Up cell, but decided
that I wanted a design that was my own and one that suggested a slightly less
claustrophobic space.

Hope you got plenty of doughnuts handy!

Dave S.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC: Space Police I - Total Security Platform
Whoa!!! Now that is some serious Space Police Lock Up! Big, lot's of details, novel design and fuctionality! Not sure what else to say, but I need to go make some more coffee. I want to see more pictures! Gonna go look again... - Eric Sophie (18 years ago, 25-May-07, to

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