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Re: SHIP challenge for NWBrickcon 2007
Mon, 13 Nov 2006 06:04:28 GMT
2903 times
In lugnet.announce, Nathan Proudlove wrote:
This is an open invitation especially for those who will be attending NWBrickcon
2007. The challenge is to build a SHIP (100 studs or longer/wider) in a Classic
Space Lego theme. I would like to see as many themes represented as possible. I
have already begun a Blacktron II ship, and Dave Degobbi has plans to make an
Ice Planet ship. That leaves everything else between The original LL928 colour
scheme to Life on Mars (if you dare). I know 200 studs isn't possible for
everyone but we had originally made that a requirement so bonus if you can hit
the C-2 level. Build big everyone. It's almost a year away so that should give
you plenty of time. As of right now, this is simply a challenge, not a contest
so no prizes but I will see what I can do.

Reply to this thread if you want in and what theme you would like to tackle.

Crossposting to some relevent groups for visibility.

TWS Garrison

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: SHIP challenge for NWBrickcon 2007
(...) I'll take your challenge, sir! I will either be doing Futuron, Space Police I, M-Tron, or Ice Planet (no actual restriction if two people want to do the same theme, right? 'Cause I think it'd be awesome to see a bunch of huge ships from the (...) (18 years ago, 14-Nov-06, to,,

Message is in Reply To:
  SHIP challenge for NWBrickcon 2007
This is an open invitation especially for those who will be attending NWBrickcon 2007. The challenge is to build a SHIP (100 studs or longer/wider) in a Classic Space Lego theme. I would like to see as many themes represented as possible. I have (...) (18 years ago, 7-Nov-06, to lugnet.announce,

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