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Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 03:09:55 GMT
4995 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:

   Well done, Janey!

These MOCs are real tours de force to be reckoned with, except for TB4 (the proportions seem a bit wrong).

Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing.


Richie Dulin

Thanks Richie, you are right, I had to be able to squeeze it into the pod of T2... and it got a bit tight.

Also the proportions for T3 are off as well, the 3 side arms should be longer, I will rectify that before displaying them at our Hobby Show coming up soon.

Janey “Red Brick”

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mayday! 4 new MOCs - Retro space - Thunderbirds
(...) Well done, Janey! These MOCs are real tours de force to be reckoned with, except for TB4 (the proportions seem a bit wrong). Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Richie Dulin (19 years ago, 26-Apr-06, to, FTX)

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