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Re: Cloud City Shuttle
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:58:26 GMT
1097 times
In lugnet.starwars, Bill Pfund wrote:
   Nice MOC! My question is why the twin pod design? I’ve always wondered what the purpose of a twin pod design in the cloud car has if there is only one engine between the two. I could see a benefit to the car if the pods were detachable, but one engine with two pods? Searching for a good B.S. explanation here.

Sorry, you’re not getting any B.S. from me. I’ve actually started on this moc as a standalone hovercraft of sorts. But I had two of the windscreens and the other odd red piece that came out to what it is.

I’ll probably try to change the design into a military vehicle (less people, more weapons) in the near future as suggested in FBTB.

Thanks, AC

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cloud City Shuttle
Nice MOC! My question is why the twin pod design? I've always wondered what the purpose of a twin pod design in the cloud car has if there is only one engine between the two. I could see a benefit to the car if the pods were detachable, but one (...) (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to lugnet.starwars,,, FTX)

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