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Re: MOC: Futuron "Mosquito"
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:27:36 GMT
955 times
In, Tobias Möller writes:
Okay, I know there are a lot of spaceships out there named "Mosquito".
But the name kinda fitted the ship, so...

There's no webpage yet, only pictures, I hope you'll like them!

The ship only uses 17 pieces and one minifig (19 if you count a control
stick as two pieces).

Although it is so simple, I like it a lot. I guess that's what's kept me
from taking it apart.

Please LMKWYT!


Heh, that's pretty cool. I can imagine a lot of em' "swarming" around a big
ship... that'd be cool.

I used to make simple things like that all the time.
But I like big things now.

-Me @

Message is in Reply To:
  MOC: Futuron "Mosquito"
Okay, I know there are a lot of spaceships out there named "Mosquito". But the name kinda fitted the ship, so... There's no webpage yet, only pictures, I hope you'll like them! (URL) ship only uses 17 pieces and one minifig (19 if you count a (...) (25 years ago, 26-Aug-00, to,

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