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 Space / 31737
    Re: I know what you mean! —Dirk van Zuilen
   (...) Hello Dave, (...) Enterprise is still a fantastic vessel. About the electronic Enterprise. I must admit that I came pretty late to the whole Sci-Fi scene, only one of the disadvantages of living in The Netherlands. There really is no big (...) (21 years ago, 9-Mar-04, to
        Re: I know what you mean! —Paul Baulch
   (...) Hi Dirk and Dave, If you're interested in a cool Enterprise model, I can heartily recommend Bandai's Enterprise model: (URL) They're right about the colour scheme, it is more subtle than in the photos. Their Enterprise-E is good too, although (...) (21 years ago, 10-Mar-04, to, FTX)
        Re: I know what you mean! —Dirk van Zuilen
   (...) Hello Paul, Nice model, no paint or glue would save a lot of time in constructing the ship. But I really want to thank you for the link to the shop. They've got some nice stuff in there. I know someone who could be quite interrested in several (...) (21 years ago, 11-Mar-04, to, FTX)

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