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Re: MOC: Scarab Fighter OR Harry Potter Roof Slopes
Thu, 6 Nov 2003 18:08:00 GMT
799 times
In, Travis Matheson wrote:
Xavier Industries in association with Overlord Enterprises and K.J.
Row-ling are proud to announce the Scarab Long Range Fighter

This is a great design. I hadn't considered the roof pieces for a rear.  they
looked like heavy armor plating so I put them up front when I was trying to
figure out how to use them on a model I called The KITE:


Keep those castle pieces coming.

Pat"no sig fig" Bunn

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC: Scarab Fighter OR Harry Potter Roof Slopes
Hey Pat, I really like the Kite. Would have been a perfect entry for last year's "useless parts" contest. I count 2 HP roofs, 16 Belville skis, a Bohrok canopy, some other Bionicle pieces, those octagonal column pieces, and this helicoptor blade (...) (21 years ago, 6-Nov-03, to

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  MOC: Scarab Fighter OR Harry Potter Roof Slopes
Xavier Industries in association with Overlord Enterprises and K.J. Row-ling are proud to announce the Scarab Long Range Fighter (URL) Scarab is designed for extended periods in space without refueling and features a powerful quadirony engine and an (...) (21 years ago, 4-Nov-03, to, ! 

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