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  Japanese space MOCs
Hi all, I hadn't seen anyone comment on these, but these are pretty cool. I assume that LMO 2003 is a Japanese equivalent of Brickfest: (URL) curved shape on that onion-dome ship are really nice, and the other large ship has a very Space 1999 feel (...) (22 years ago, 9-Sep-03, to  
  Re: Japanese space MOCs
(...) (URL) really like the large one on the top. Neato. Not quite PCS, not quite anime. Sort of 1950's-1960's retro. ~Trev (22 years ago, 10-Sep-03, to
  Re: Japanese space MOCs
(...) D'oh! I was going to do that Rock Raider drill as engine thing - I gotta get my finger out and start building. (...) Didn't you know that the ship he's modelled is from that show? Not surprising once you realise that. :-) Cheers, (URL) Sci-Fi (...) (22 years ago, 10-Sep-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Japanese space MOCs
(...) Actually, I'd never seen that show. I mainly remember a friend had a Space 1999 lunchbox when I was a kid. So I didn't remember the details. Anyway, very cool MOC. Bruce (22 years ago, 10-Sep-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Japanese space MOCs
(...) I just saw them and came over here to see if anyone had posted comments. Wow! Especially that "Space 1999" movie model. It's amazing what people can do! John (22 years ago, 11-Sep-03, to
  What's LMO?
Hi, all. I would show you some ways to LMO as a guide. (...) Yes. LMO means L EGO M ilitary O ff. "Off" is a popular word in Japan meaning "Off-Line Meeting Event". LMO was held 6 Sept. 2003....ya, just a week ago :) 30 Japanese builders gathered to (...) (22 years ago, 11-Sep-03, to,,

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