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Re: New MOC: The Omicron
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 05:22:41 GMT
703 times
At 04:28 AM 11/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
In, Didier Deses wrote:
Hello again,

I've been building lately ... here are the first results:

Ooooh! I love that shape. That is an extra cool shape, how it goes in at the
front and back to keep a centred bow and stern. That's giving me all sorts of
ideas... how did you decide on the shape? Yum. I'm looking forward to the
now. Great work!

The shape really impresses me too.  but it made me think...
(and that can sometimes lead to trouble)
Now I love the idea on non-symmetrical shapes craft such as this one, they
really show creative thinking and inspiration.  but, with the engine.

Now if I recall physics, wouldn't the over all force of the engines need to
be applied to the center of gravity or any ship?  I mean this doesn't
dictate a symmetrical shape but it does make me think a little more about

comments, suggestions, rants...

Trav (-|-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New MOC: The Omicron
(...) Well, it could be some sort of gravitic propulsion which applies a force which is located outside the engine, or it could simply be that the engine constitutes the majority of the mass and itself has a non-symetrical internal distribution that (...) (22 years ago, 11-Jul-03, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  New MOC: The Omicron
Hello again, I've been building lately ... here are the first results: (URL) ship was made with for showing at the first BeLUG ((URL) weekend ((URL) quite solid, hence transportable. LMKWYT (i.e. give me comments!) Didier PS: Soon on my Brickshelf (...) (22 years ago, 10-Jul-03, to

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