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Re: New moc: Space Rickshaw
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 23:45:36 GMT
697 times
In, Joe Meno writes:

Good idea! The rickshaw is a neat little craft, tho I keep on seeing it
being used as a REALLY fast rickshaw...dunno if I would want to ride it.

Even non-space rickshaws can be dangerous.  I was riding in one through
Kathmandu a couple years ago and we had a wondrous encounter with a taxicab
- I got thrown out of the rickshaw and into a booth selling lettuce.

(If you've ever been to or seen pictures of Nepal, you'll know how common
this occurance actually is.  A photo I took from inside a rickshaw in the
early morning [five thirty a.m.] is here:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New moc: Space Rickshaw
(...) Good idea! The rickshaw is a neat little craft, tho I keep on seeing it being used as a REALLY fast rickshaw...dunno if I would want to ride it. There's some nice detail work on the engine (that gear really looks cool) and the driver's (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to

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