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Re: My Space MOCs
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:50:03 GMT
570 times
In, David Scott writes:
Hey guys.  I finally got cleared to post.  I follow this group regularly.  I
put a dozen or so of my space MOCs up on my web page:

Shuttles, support craft, fighters, etc. that I have built over the years...

Excellent stuff, incredible detail!  Wow.  You've got a very original style
- everything has a gritty feel.
I really like the Shocksled and Superlifter.

Just awesome.

Jeff J

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My Space MOCs
Jeff, Thanks for the feedback. I try to make my models more appearance-oriented rather than "play" oriented, although in almost every case they are very sturdy structurally. My next model will be my first attempt at a model that looks good AND is (...) (22 years ago, 19-Oct-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  My Space MOCs
Hey guys. I finally got cleared to post. I follow this group regularly. I put a dozen or so of my space MOCs up on my web page: (URL) support craft, fighters, etc. that I have built over the years... Hope you like them half as much as I have enjoyed (...) (22 years ago, 29-Sep-02, to  

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