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 Space / 17072
    Re: Why do I bother? (was Re: Moonbase Module, the evolving Arcane home) —Nicole Drumm
   "Gil Shaw" <> wrote in message (...) That will never happen! <snip> (...) Got a link to the book? Images? (...) Done already. (...) <way big snip!> -- Thanx~ Nicole; "Now with Masters in (...) (22 years ago, 5-Sep-02, to
        Re: Why do I bother? (was Re: Moonbase Module, the evolving Arcane home) —Gil Shaw
   In, Nicole Drumm writes: le snip (...) It's strange what a sparse amount of information there is on these books, considering most spaceheads born before 1975 remember them in their public libraries. At any rate, here is the most (...) (22 years ago, 5-Sep-02, to

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