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 Space / 16956
    Re: More moonbase and Monorail discussion —Markham Carroll
    "Mike Petrucelli" <> wrote in message (...) what (...) Actually, I'd say that at least 8, maybe 10 high, and about 8 wide. The whole teminal would need to take up two 48x48 plates, since my 6990 train (...) (22 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to
        Re: More moonbase and Monorail discussion —Jon Palmer
   "Markham Carroll" <> wrote in message (...) I'm not so concerned with building a structure that can contain an entire train. My main goal with this is to have a tunnel properly aligned on my module so (...) (22 years ago, 2-Sep-02, to
        Re: More moonbase and Monorail discussion —Frank Filz
   (...) I'd go with the station at 20 studs unless you are building the nearby modules to contain the ramps down to 10 studs. Please make your station/tunnel capable of accepting a 6 wide train (which probably means an 8-wide tunnel). (...) I agree, (...) (22 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to
        Re: More moonbase and Monorail discussion —Jon Palmer
    "Frank Filz" <> wrote in message (...) The (...) train (...) Good stuff. I had already decided on 20 studs up before you posted this. It's also 8 wide. Now I need to make sure it's tall enough. (...) (22 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to

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