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Re: Blacktron Contest entry
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 18:07:03 GMT
1235 times
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
In, John Harms writes:

Beautiful model!  One question- does it dock with the original Blacktron
system well, or are the connecters too high to do that properly?  I'm
curious because I really like modular systems.  I don't think the BT
connecter arrangement was very good, though, which is why I use a similar
system with a different arrangement.  I hope you make more entries that are
compatible with this one, because that's what really makes Blacktron come
alive to me.

(BTW, I know I should probably reply to the original post instead of to
Richard's, but I thought I'd kill two frogs with one post.)

I like this model a lot.  The endlessly debated question is the amount of
yellow to use, and I am not sure how successful you were on that count --
but this is nitpicking. Really cool model either way.

I think he got the yellow quantity about right, but with one small
exception: the yellow hands on the fig...

Do please post the variant of the model with the Scorpian tail.  I am very
keen to see it.

Me too!  Even if it's not an entry.  Better yet... make a ground vehicle
that has the tail and make the parts interchangeable.

Tony Hafner

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Blacktron Contest entry
(...) Just looked (closely) at the instr. scans on Brickshelf. Looks like I've got the connector scheme reversed. Same pin-to-hole thing, just the command pod has the pins. A simple thing to switch for compatiblity with the original line. (...) (...) (23 years ago, 7-Dec-01, to,
  Re: Blacktron Contest entry
(...) Just looked (closely) at the instr. scans on Brickshelf. Looks like I've got the connector scheme reversed. Same pin-to-hole thing, just the command pod has the pins. A simple thing to switch for compatiblity with the original line. (...) (...) (23 years ago, 7-Dec-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Blacktron Contest entry
(...) yellow to use, and I am not sure how successful you were on that count -- but this is nitpicking. Really cool model either way. Do please post the variant of the model with the Scorpian tail. I am very keen to see it. It is my belief that (...) (23 years ago, 6-Dec-01, to,

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