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Re: Bardiel is done
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 06:03:26 GMT
1164 times
"Daniel Jassim" <> wrote in message
Excellent, Jon! All your imagination, hard work and attention to just • about
every possible detail has really paid off! What a fantastic ship! I'm • truly
impressed and plan on studying this ship very carefully.

Its great to hear any praise about this but especially nice to hear it from
others who have made their own enormous ships.  Thanks very much!

This shot especially stood out to me:

I really dig the attention to the cargo modules, the access panels, deck
hatch (I assume, toward the top right) and it also reveals the contouring
"ribs" that you created to make that cylindrical shape of Bardiel.

I made somethin like 20 of those little cargo modules.  They're a scaled
down version of some earlier, larger modules I made a while ago.  I like how
they came out and I'm probably gonna keep them built long after Bardiel is
gone.  I think I can use them as a sort of standard for many of my freighter
sort of ships.  I'm glad you liked the ribs or rings that made the ship up.
These, combined with the 1x beams that held them together, more or less
supported the whole ship.

> Well, I hope you enjoy your little break from Lego building and come back



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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bardiel is done
Excellent, Jon! All your imagination, hard work and attention to just about every possible detail has really paid off! What a fantastic ship! I'm truly impressed and plan on studying this ship very carefully. This shot especially stood out to me: (...) (23 years ago, 15-Oct-01, to, lugnet.general,

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