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Re: New Confedertation flagship, the Sword of the Spirit
Fri, 7 Sep 2001 03:17:40 GMT
528 times
Can I drive? Can I drive? Seriously that's one heck of a ship!
I couldn't tell from the pictures but can minifigs fit inside it?
Nicole, widow to
Kenneth A. Drumm Ph.D. for Duel's Tales

"Rick Hallman" <> wrote in message
Greetings ladies, gentleman, Raxisians, and Taureg.
   After much work on the Gideon Project, the first Gideon-Class Heavy
Battlecruiser has been completed!!! Named the Sword of the Spirit, after • the
reference in the Holy Bible in the book of Ephesians, the Sword of the
Spirit is currently Admiral Hallman's flagship. This kilometer long ship • is
the most powerful ship ever built by Confederation engineers.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Confedertation flagship, the Sword of the Spirit
(...) It's a microfig model and I use the scale of 1 plate = 1 deck... which makes the Sword 32 decks high. I use the reference of 9.5 meters per stud so that makes this about a kilometer long too. :-P and BTW, sure you can drive... Just get a (...) (24 years ago, 7-Sep-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  New Confedertation flagship, the Sword of the Spirit
Greetings ladies, gentleman, Raxisians, and Taureg. After much work on the Gideon Project, the first Gideon-Class Heavy Battlecruiser has been completed!!! Named the Sword of the Spirit, after the reference in the Holy Bible in the book of (...) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-01, to,

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