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.space MOC Highlight
Weird shapes, weird colors... what’s not to like?

Hornbill by Pico van Grootveld

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What’s hot in .space

Your curators for .space are none other than Tony Hafner: lego AT and Ley Ward: eonmusic AT

For the Newbies out there: Tony Hafner has written an excellent post about things to keep in mind while building space. The post is easy to follow and very informative - excellent for a beginner who wants to go from “so-so” to “butt-numbingly awesome!”

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  Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
(...) Thanks so much for saying this, Dave! It's appreciated! And having posts besides monthly dinners to look at is awesome as well :) Dave K (6 months ago, 10-Sep-24, to
  Re: #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
(...) This incredible display really demands more attention. Every time I check it out, I find more to admire in it. (7 months ago, 12-Aug-24, to
  Re: The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
(...) Thanks Steve! It's appreciated! It was a fun day! Hope all is good in your world! Take care, Dave (3 years ago, 4-Jul-22, to
  Re: The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
(...) This looks great! Your friend (and you!) did a fantastic job! Steve (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to

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