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 Space / moc

MOC Highlight

The .space sidebar MOC Highlight is a list of some noteworthy MOCs that have been unveiled in .space. This is updated very sporadically these days, as .space just plain doesn’t get the traffic it used to. Great Space MOCs are posted from time to time and don’t get highlighted... this is more of a sign that the curators aren’t very active rather than any intended slight on the models. Browse the group if you want to see more!

   Hornbill by Pico van Grootveld

   Iron Mountain by GroovyBones

   OSS Pontbriand by Jeff Pelletier

   Geminated Ruby by Zachmoe

   Stinkbug by Zachmoe

121 thru current
101 thru 120
81 thru 100
61 thru 80
41 thru 60
21 thru 40
1 thru 20
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