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Re: MiG I-135
Wed, 20 Jul 2005 20:36:20 GMT
13483 times
In, Peter Blencowe wrote:
   In, Rick Hallman wrote:
   I wont say what I think of this moc.

No realy, do. I realize my work needs major well.... work but thats what I meant by:

   And remember complaints are always welcome I just can’t stand constructive critisism ;-).

Tell me all the most glaring, n00bish, ridiculous flaws, Even if you can’t give me a quick fix for them.

No hard fealings I know you were trying to help me get started, thanks. Well back to the drawing board.

I’m not Rick, but since you’re asking sincerely... this isn’t even vaguely EB. There are a number of characteristics that you need to have. Even if you don’t have them all, you’ve got to hit on the major ones.

For starters, the major problems:

EB is a futuristic space theme. You’ve got a generic Adventurers fig who looks like he just stepped out of the 30’s. And the ship looks like a current-era scout plane- neither futuristic nor spacey.

EB has a color scheme of red and greys and maybe black. And their canopies are clear or smoke. You have a color scheme that is primarily white and grey with a blue canopy.

EB is stylistically characterized by low-cost high-tech: It’s space, but not overly refined. Exposed machinery is good. Blocky is good when combined with an interesting shape. Oversized engines to make up for their low-tech quility are good. You have a smooth-hulled ship with nothing extra to spice it up. And your engines are tiny.

A hallmark of most of the fan themes (including EB) is good detailing. You need detailed engines and guns. Your engines are 1 piece each. Your guns are just 1x1 cones.

Kudos on the folding landing gear, by the way. Though some rear gear would help as well, or at least a protrusion that looks like it is designed for bearing weight and that holds it at a reasonable angle.

So what you have is an OK airplane from the current era. The best way to make it EB is to study the existing EB ships (ie look at Rick’s links or the links under EB here).

As for specific fixes to make:

Change the color scheme completely. Remove all white, and use nothing but red, grey, dark grey, and black. Preferably have red and just 1 of the others. Replace the windshield with a clear or grey one (or maybe a red one). Give it a big gun. The easiest way to do that is to start with some odd Technic gears, bushings, and connectors. Stack them on an axle and add other pieces with interesting textures until you have something cool. Bigger engines! Don’t just use a cone or prefab jet. Textures are important here as well- put together interesting shapes. Good engines are hard... study the other EB ships and read the article on engines.

Most importantly, don’t stop building. Everyone here started out the same way you are. We grow by taking feedback seriously.

Next most importantly... just because there are cool fan themes out there doesn’t mean that you need to build them. Or to the point, don’t call your ship something that it isn’t. Build a cool ship of your own design. Make up a theme if you want, but you don’t need to build to any theme. Just build what you want and call it a cool ship. I build a ton of space stuff, and very few of my creations are built to any “theme” besides SPACE.

Build on and keep sharing!

   Tony Hafner

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MiG I-135
Thanks for the input tony! :-) (by the way I have started from the ground up on a new fighter and will show it once I get the greebles right.) (20 years ago, 21-Jul-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MiG I-135
(...) No realy, do. I realize my work needs major well.... work but thats what I meant by: (...) Tell me all the most glaring, n00bish, ridiculous flaws, Even if you can't give me a quick fix for them. No hard fealings I know you were trying to help (...) (20 years ago, 17-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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