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  Re: Missing Pieces
Check out (URL) have a phone number [(800)442-5346] where you can call for replacement pieces. (...) (24 years ago, 26-Dec-00, to lugnet.service)
  Missing Pieces
"Michael Jorgensen" <> wrote in message news:<>... (...) I myself just bought a set yesterday that has two deformed pieces in it. It is the "Fright Knights" 'Witch's Castle.' The legs of the two 'guards' (...) (25 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to lugnet.service)
Does anyone know how to get back issues of Lego magazines? There's a strange dearth of contact Email addresses on the Lego web site. (25 years ago, 2-Aug-00, to lugnet.service)
  Re: New Shop @ Home Catolog, when does it come out?
(...) From LEGO's "Bulk Pak" WEB site, it looks like a new catalog will be out in July. The following can be found at: WWW.LEGO.COM/BULK All New Shipping! Long-time customers know that up until now regular shipping charges were included in our (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jun-00, to lugnet.service)
  New Shop @ Home Catolog, when does it come out?
It seems like its been a while since the last Shop@home catolog came out, anyone know the schedule on these? Thanx (25 years ago, 31-May-00, to lugnet.service)

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