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 Robotics / RCX / NQC / 938
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Re: Just some really basic questions...
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 18:03:35 GMT
2190 times
Krusty wrote:

Okay, cool, so I get 5 slots (my bad...I knew that too...I don't know *why*
I kept saying 3) and the TOTAL space I can use is 6k? Does that include the
datalog feature?

Yes. To be more precise I believe it's 6100 bytes of space. (The SCOUT has 400
bytes of space)

Can you pass variables into other programs? How do you use
these 'Codes (1-255)'? I mean, not specifically how you use them, I mean,
how do you *use* them? What are some practical applications? Can a 'code'
signal a jump to another function? like code 7 jump here, code 43 jump here,

if message = 5 then jump off table...

It's that easy...

What's the difference between running 1 of the 5 programs and passing
between programs and simply putting the whole program in one slot and just
jumping between functions?

Well if you can keep all the code in one program it's easier. But you get 32
global variables. All programs can read them. So you can leave your 'bits' where
you want them and jump to another program to use them.

You get 10 tasks that you can start and stop per program. They all run at the
same time.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Just some really basic questions...
(...) Dean, I am not sure that this is correct what you write about global variables. As far as I know, the followoing is correct: - 32 global variables are only valid WITHIN one program slot. - Within this slot, all tasks, functions and subroutines (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

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  Re: Just some really basic questions...
Okay, cool, so I get 5 slots (my bad...I knew that too...I don't know *why* I kept saying 3) and the TOTAL space I can use is 6k? Does that include the datalog feature? Can you pass variables into other programs? How do you use these 'Codes (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

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