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 Robotics / RCX / NQC / 1773
1772  |  1774
Re: Blocking SetUserDisplay?
Sun, 5 Jun 2005 20:57:53 GMT
5813 times
In lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, John Hansen wrote:
In lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, Ross Crawford wrote:
I can work around it by doing:

b = x * 100 + y;
a = b;

but I was wondering if there's any other way to either force NQC to use
temporary space for calculations, or force the display routine to block until
the calculations are complete?

You may be able to work around this by using parenthesis (untested).

a = ((x * 100) + y);

or you might try

a = 0 + ((x * 100) + y);

Neither of these work, although the second one does introduce a temporary for
everything except for the 0 part.  It will result in the display sometimes
showing a value of zero.

NQC tries really hard to use as few variables as it can so you need to
explicitly use a different variable to store the intermediate calculations.
Here is a convoluted way that works:

a = a + (x * 100 + y) - a;

012 setv       var[47], var[0]       14 2f 00 00 00
017 setv       var[46], var[1]       14 2e 00 01 00
022 mulv       var[46], 100          54 2e 02 64 00
027 sumv       var[46], var[2]       24 2e 00 02 00
032 sumv       var[47], var[46]      24 2f 00 2e 00
037 subv       var[47], var[0]       34 2f 00 00 00
042 setv       var[0], var[47]       14 00 00 2f 00

It's more efficient to define a local variable like you are doing:

int b = x * 100 + y;
a = b;

012 setv       var[47], var[1]       14 2f 00 01 00
017 mulv       var[47], 100          54 2f 02 64 00
022 sumv       var[47], var[2]       24 2f 00 02 00
027 setv       var[0], var[47]       14 00 00 2f 00

John Hansen

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Blocking SetUserDisplay?
(...) You may be able to work around this by using parenthesis (untested). a = ((x * 100) + y); or you might try a = 0 + ((x * 100) + y); John Hansen (URL) (20 years ago, 5-Jun-05, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc)

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