Re: Blocking SetUserDisplay?
Sun, 5 Jun 2005 20:57:53 GMT
5813 times
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In lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, John Hansen wrote:
> In lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, Ross Crawford wrote:
> > I can work around it by doing:
> >
> > b = x * 100 + y;
> > a = b;
> >
> > but I was wondering if there's any other way to either force NQC to use
> > temporary space for calculations, or force the display routine to block until
> > the calculations are complete?
> You may be able to work around this by using parenthesis (untested).
> a = ((x * 100) + y);
> or you might try
> a = 0 + ((x * 100) + y);
Neither of these work, although the second one does introduce a temporary for
everything except for the 0 part. It will result in the display sometimes
showing a value of zero.
NQC tries really hard to use as few variables as it can so you need to
explicitly use a different variable to store the intermediate calculations.
Here is a convoluted way that works:
a = a + (x * 100 + y) - a;
012 setv var[47], var[0] 14 2f 00 00 00
017 setv var[46], var[1] 14 2e 00 01 00
022 mulv var[46], 100 54 2e 02 64 00
027 sumv var[46], var[2] 24 2e 00 02 00
032 sumv var[47], var[46] 24 2f 00 2e 00
037 subv var[47], var[0] 34 2f 00 00 00
042 setv var[0], var[47] 14 00 00 2f 00
It's more efficient to define a local variable like you are doing:
int b = x * 100 + y;
a = b;
012 setv var[47], var[1] 14 2f 00 01 00
017 mulv var[47], 100 54 2f 02 64 00
022 sumv var[47], var[2] 24 2f 00 02 00
027 setv var[0], var[47] 14 00 00 2f 00
John Hansen
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