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 Robotics / RCX / 1153
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Re: The sound of train
lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.trains
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 03:54:24 GMT
2752 times
I don't have any specifically for trains, but my crane has a two-tone
warning sound - you can find the programming info at The warning
sound is generated by RCX1. I'm not sure how difficult it will be to
translate this into NQC, but basically just involves defining a string of 2
notes, which gets played over & over.



Zhengrong Zang <> wrote in message
Could you show me legOS source? (both steam and diesel), I have no idea • about
music or sound.
I can convert it to NQC, what I am using NQC is that I want to make all my
programs that can be used both by RCX and Scout.


Ross Crawford wrote:

Your original post mentioned "warning or alert". Are you looking for • train
sounds, or warning sounds? The train sounds that Sonnich is talking • about is
actually the puff-puff of a steam engine, and would be very difficult to
duplicate with the RCX, as it has fairly limited sound generation • ability.
If you want a warning, like at a level crossing or something, that's a • lot
easier, as its generally just a on-off tone or two-tone alternating type
thing. Should be doable in NQC, though I can't offer any code - I prefer


Zhengrong Zang <> wrote in message
You used hardware? that is not my hoping.


Sonnich Jensen wrote:

I guess not - I don't even know what it is.

All I have seen of this is some schematics of the electronic circuit • for
And that was 1 years ago I think


Zhengrong Zang <> wrote in message
Do you have any NQC code?


Sonnich Jensen wrote:

I don't have any .dat or .wav  files, but te create steam engine • sounds,
white noise and pulse it. This is an old trick for that.


Zhengrong Zang <> wrote in message
I need the the dat of sound of train warning or alert for my • RCX
controlled train projects, does anyone help me?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The sound of train
Thanks. Could you show me legOS source? (both steam and diesel), I have no idea about music or sound. I can convert it to NQC, what I am using NQC is that I want to make all my programs that can be used both by RCX and Scout. Zhengrong (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx, lugnet.trains)

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