Re: Classroom experiments gone awry
Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:04:21 GMT
19428 times
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In lugnet.robotics.nxt, Brian Davis wrote:
> The easist way to see this is try it: write a program that wires in a
> specific value, and then look at the number of degrees each wheel has turned
> (the feedback pane in the configuration panel is ideal for this). At very
> rough resolution, for a duration of 1000 degrees...
> Steering B C
> 100 -1000 1000 |
> 90 -1000 1000 | turn
> 80 -1000 1000 | in
> 70 -1000 1000 | place
> 64 -1000 1000 |
> 60 -775 1000 |
> 50 -460 1000 | tight turn
> 40 -170 1000 |
> 35 0 1000 Turn around one wheel
> 30 145 1000 |
> 20 420 1000 | wide turn
> 10 730 1000 |
> 0 1000 1000 No turn at all
> -10 1000 730
> -20 1000 420
> -30 1000 145
> --etc--
I placed a dollar bill with one corner of it pinned under a chair leg. The
challenge was to start from the spot and circle around the outside of the legs.
Whichever team can do it in less than two tries claims the dollar. I think my
dollar is safe for another class period. Sadly, not one of the eight "Talented
and Gifted" students, after all that experimentation, would think to use math to
nail that dollar.
By the way, if I were to write a loop for steering values of 1 to 100 with an
inside loop for several iterations (for averaging the inside wheel), How do I
get that table without having to watch the feedback pane?
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Classroom experiments gone awry
| (...) You have the NXT record it for you, perferable in a comma-delimited text file, which you can then import and open right in Excel. Your own home-grown datalog, with a data arrangement you specify. Just use file operations: (URL) other (...) (18 years ago, 29-Apr-07, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Classroom experiments gone awry
| (...) Steering under NXT-G is... not exactly intuitive. I tried some experiments a whle back, but I never even tried to play with the steering slider because I had no patience for rough approximations (like trying to see if I had moved the slider (...) (18 years ago, 29-Apr-07, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
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